SPOTLIGHT | Supporting Campaigns & Coalitions in Washington State
Client: Washington College Promise Coalition| Partnership Length: 2017 - Present | HCM Service Area Spotlight: Design and Implement Campaigns and Coalitions| Portfolio Category: Post-secondary
In 2017, HCM Strategists reinvigorated the College Promise Coalition in Washington State in support of the Coalition’s #Pathto70 campaign.
The College Promise Coalition is a broad-based group advocating for increased higher education access and opportunity for Washington students.
About the Washington College Promise Coalition: The College Promise Coalition (CPC) is an unprecedented partnership that brings together dozens of organizations and individuals, including Washington’s public and private four- and two-year colleges and universities; students, families, faculty, alumni, education advocates, and leaders in business and labor. We work together to expand opportunities for education and training beyond high school so students can succeed regardless of their circumstances.
Since 2017, HCM Strategists has provided advice and counsel to CPC leadership on policy, advocacy and communications strategy for the Coalition’s successful policy and advocacy framework in Washington to support implementation of strong pathways and student financial aid.
In addition to strategic counsel, HCM provides ongoing federal and state policy analysis and partners in public opinion research related to degree attainment and affordable higher ed access and workforce development initiatives.
CPC’s goal is to reach 70% of WA students earning a degree, apprenticeship, certificate or other credential after high school. Learn more:
AFT Washington
Central Washington University
College Access Now
College Success Foundation
Community Center for Education Results
The Council of Faculty
Cradle to College Coalition
Eastern Washington University
Evergreen State College
Greater Spokane Incorporated
Independent Colleges of Washington
Jobs for the Future
League of Education Voters
Partnership for Learning
Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce
Seattle Region Partnership
SEIU 925
Student Engagement Network
United Faculty of Washington
University of Washington
UW Impact
Washington College Access Network
The Washington Consortium for the Liberal Arts
Washington Council of Presidents
Washington Roundtable
Washington Education Association
Washington State Opportunity Scholarship
Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges
Washington State PTA
Washington State University
Washington STEM
Washington Student Achievement Council
Washington Student Association
Washington Student Engagement Network
Western Governors University (WGU)
Western Washington University
Western Advocates
WSU Impact