Staff Spotlight: Five Questions with Ashsali Hamlet. Get to know our Project Administrator

Today, get to know Ashsali Hamlet: A Project Administrator with HCM Strategists.

Ashsali provides project management, data collection, and general support to HCM's postsecondary team. With a background in administrative roles in the retail industry, Ashsali joined HCM to help make positive changes in communities through education policy.

Ashsali graduated from the University of Colorado, Denver with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and plans to pursue a master’s degree. She is passionate about advocating for criminal justice reform.

A Denver native, Ashsali enjoys spending time with her two sons, playing video games, and sports. She is also a singer and rapper in a local EDM Bass Hip-Hop group and loves playing the piano, producing music, and exploring the Rocky Mountains.

To learn more about Ashsali, please visit her LinkedIn.

HCM is dedicated to making educational systems more accessible, affordable, accountable, and equitable. What drives you to do this work?

→ The driving force behind my dedication to HCM's mission stems from my own lived experiences, particularly as a student parent navigating through challenging processes. I recall the difficulties I encountered, from taking redundant remedial classes draining both time and finances to the lack of adequate guidance that often led me astray, tempting me to give up countless times. The impactful work carried out by HCM resonates deeply with me, as it actively dismantles the barriers hindering students' paths to success, ensuring they can attain their credentials with ease!

What is one feature of your own educational journey you bring to your lens at HCM?

→ I bring a unique perspective to the College Attainment for Parent Students (CAPS) project at HCM, drawing from my six-year journey as a single parent while pursuing my education. Through my personal experience, I offer insights into the multifaceted challenges faced by parenting students, extending beyond childcare and financial concerns to encompass crucial aspects like family support and a sense of belonging. It's genuinely heartening to witness the growing attention towards parenting students and the increasing support they receive to overcome these challenges!

What do you think is missing today in postsecondary education and how do you think HCM can help address this gap?

→ Postsecondary education needs to accommodate nontraditional students better. During my five years with HCM, I have worked on numerous projects focused on supporting these students, including parent students, justice-involved students, and older students. Since the pandemic, there has been an increased emphasis on addressing the needs of nontraditional students, and HCM has been at the forefront of this effort. Postsecondary education should be more accessible, offering flexible options such as online classes, evening classes, weekend classes, and part-time or full-time programs to meet people where they are in their lives.

Why do you think postsecondary education enrollment rates right out of high school are declining? What is the leading thing every state can do to address this?

→ According to my son, who just graduated from high school and is uncertain about continuing his education this fall, he is unsure of what he wants to pursue, reluctant to commit to a four-year college, and wary of accumulating student loan debt like I did. This shift in student perspective highlights the need to meet students where they are as I mentioned before. Therefore, it is crucial to focus on short-term credentials, career-connected learning, and supporting nontraditional students.

When not working, what can people find you doing? 

→Outside of work, you can often find me on stage at local music venues, passionately singing or rapping. Music has been my first love since I started playing the piano at four. Additionally, I have over 20 years of experience as a Tarot reader, and I find great joy in helping others navigate their lives and heal from past traumas through my readings.

What many people don't know about me is that I also have a deep love for painting. I discovered this passion at a canvas and cocktail party with my mom, and we've been enjoying painting together for the last decade.

Beyond the Questions: Ashsali Shares Her Passion For Painting


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