HCM + Edge Research Release Follow-Up Public Opinion Research on the Continuing Exodus in Higher Education

“On-the-job-training prevails as students’ disinterest in college grows.” Doubts about college value grow are deterring college enrollment.” “Do adults without degrees see the value of college?” These are some of the headlines about our latest public opinion release, Continuing to Explore the Exodus from HIgher Education, in partnership with Edge Research on behalf of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

A follow-up to the initial 2022 study we conducted, this year we wanted to build upon this work, not only to see how much, if at all, attitudes and intentions regarding higher education have changed among this audience but to expand our understanding to include current high school juniors and seniors. This was an important addition, as this year’s study also includes a deep dive into where these audiences need assistance and what supports they find most useful during their college education journeys.

Overview of 2023 Findings

Despite our understanding of the value of higher education, perceptions among these high school students and non-enrolled audiences make it clear that institutions need to prove their value to them. In particular, why does the value of a 2-year or 4-year degree outweigh the value of credentials and job training programs? Both High Schoolers and Non-Enrollees see and select other paths that are shorter, cheaper, and/or more directly linked to specific job opportunities.

As part of that effort, these audiences want and need supports throughout their college journeys to reach the destination of acquiring a degree. These audiences feel anxious about making the wrong choices when it comes to college, and that those choices will impact the rest of their lives. Finally, it is also important to understand that the information received by these audiences differs by cohort. High Schoolers are at the epicenter of the college information network. Non-Enrollees, on the other hand, are forced to seek information about colleges, and the information they find tends to be less positive compared to what High Schoolers receive and consume about higher education.



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